About Shannon Delves

How my story shows that you can really do it!

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My Story

I spent a good portion of my life feeling insecure about my body and was unable to discover a program to lose weight and keep it off in the long term. I was overweight, unconfident, and very self-conscious, especially about my body. I had never worn a bikini in my life. I had just graduated university and it was time to take action. These feelings were seriously affecting my mood, my perceptions, and every aspect of my life.

I was ready to make a positive change in my lifestyle. If you have ever had feelings that life is not moving forward, I’m sure you can relate to my story. I decided to start working with a very well known personal trainer, Paul Anthony Neil, who first motivated me to change my mindset and told me that would result in a transformation in my body. He taught me to change my inner world before I could change my outer world.  My thoughts, I discovered, were more powerful than any amount of exercising or nutrient control.  By visualizing and redirecting my thoughts to focus on the positive aspects of my life I was able to shift everything.  I saw huge changes in every area of my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual paths.

I discovered that exercising is the time that you take for yourself, to meditate and focus on the things you want to integrate in your life. Through developing a positive mental focus and spiritual foundation, you can attract and manifest amazing things, people and conditions into your life. This is your journey. 

In 2008 I decided to take my fitness a few steps further and I started training for a fitness competition with FAME, also known as the World Natural Sports Organization. I trained extremely hard with elite trainers Paul Anthony and Vick Pochun, and followed a very strict eating regime. I set daily intentions and visualized how I wanted to look and feel, as well as my desired outcome of the competition. This was the most challenging experience I had ever endured in my life. Now that I look back, I am so grateful for all of the amazing people in my life who pushed me to the end and didn’t allow me to quit. The day of the competition, I was depleted, tired, and worn out. I did my very best and ended up winning the bikini model category and earning my pro card, which is a pinnacle achievement in the fitness world. This was one of the best experiences of my life, not because I won the competition, but because I proved to myself that if you focus with laser vision and set your intentions on something with all your heart, anything is possible.

My transformation resulted in a career change as a nutritionist and personal training specialist, so that I could coach others and help them transform their lives. It has been extremely gratifying to coach my clients through such an amazing total mind, body and spirit transformation, similar to what I experienced myself. I knew a life transformation would not be easy, but it is definitely worth it in the end.

Finally, I am at a place in my life where I am confident and feel good emotionally, physically and spiritually.  I am living prood that you can do it too!  It is my mission to help inspire others to transform their mental, emotional and spiritual realms of life. I've been privileged enough to work with over 100 people over the last 7 years who have completely transformed their lives. It is my passion to help people take massive action towards their health and wellness goals.

Are you interested in creating a total body and mind transformation in your life? Call me today at 250.882.2300 or fill out the contact form below.

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I would be privileged if you had the confidence in me to help you with your fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle goals. I've had the opportunity to take many of my clients to the finish line. I look forward to starting our journey together:

Call 778-875-3404 or fill out the form below.

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